Regain lost access to a Magnolia instance

Warning: Never configure an alternative identity provider without testing it first. Never start using the Magnolia SSO module without being able to dump, replace, or rebuild the repository if things don't work out.

It is generally considered best practice to have the ability to delete repository data on development instances at any time.

If you require access to a locked Magnolia instance, and you cannot restore the repository, consider one of the following options:

Use a mock server

The recommended approach for gaining access to Magnolia AdminCentral is to use a fake server that allows you to access Magnolia with any username/password combination and applies the superuser role to that account.

Instructions for using a dummy server can be found in the Magnolia documentation.

The example on the documentation page may need to be adjusted to match your environment and the current version of the Magnolia SSO module you're using.

Provide a mock environment

For me, I found the following combination worked (I used the Docker image).

Light module configuration decoration file for my development instance running under http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor:

  path: /.magnolia/admincentral
  callbackUrl: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.auth
  postLogoutRedirectUri: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia/admincentral
    - name: fixedRoleAuthorization
          - superuser
  clients: mock-client-id
    oidc.secret: mock-client-secret
    oidc.scope: openid profile email
    oidc.discoveryUri:  http://localhost:9090/.well-known/openid-configuration
    oidc.preferredJwsAlgorithm: RS256
    oidc.authorizationGenerators: fixedRoleAuthorization

    name: preferred_username
    removeEmailDomainFromUserName: true
    removeSpecialCharactersFromUserName: false
    fullName: name
    email: email
    language: locale

Docker command: Mock server running on port 9090:

docker run \
   --env PORT=9090 \
   --env CLIENT_ID=mock-client-id \
   --env CLIENT_SECRET=mock-client-secret \
   --env CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.auth \
   --env CLIENT_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia/admincentral \
   -p 9090:9090 \

Access Magnolia

If the login works, the mock server will handle it.

Mock server login form.

Authorization dialog.

Remove Magnolia SSO configuration

This solution requires you to be capable of customizing and redeploying your Magnolia WAR bundle.

Putting together the bundle

Please read and understand the documentation before proceeding!

  1. Save everything you might need and back up your repository before making any changes.
  2. Rename the file {your-webapp}\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\config\jaas.config (e.g., “”).
  3. The Magnolia SSO module in Maven should be removed or commented out.
  4. You can remove or rename the light module configuration for Magnolia SSO.
  5. Customize or deploy a web.xml according to the Rescue App documentation.
  6. Stop Magnolia, build and deploy the customized bundle, and run it.

The Rescue App's console should now appear in your web browser window.

In the console, execute the subsequent lines, omitting any comments.

  session = ctx.getJCRSession('config')

  // delete client callback
  root = session.getNode('/server/filters/securityCallback/clientCallbacks')

  // set default login filter 
  root = session.getNode('/server/filters/login')
  root.setProperty('class', '')

  // set default logout filter
  root = session.getNode('/server/filters/logout')
  root.setProperty('class', '')

  // remove module magnolia-sso
  root = session.getNode('/modules')

  // save your changes!

Remember to save your changes at the end!

Please stop your Magnolia instance and configure the web.xml file so that the Magnolia filter chain is no longer ignored after adjusting the JCR configuration.

Build and deploy the Magnolia bundle, and open AdminCentral.

If everything went as expected, you should be able to log into one of your local Magnolia accounts.

Note: By following the steps above, we didn’t completely remove all the settings previously made by the Magnolia SSO module. However, as we have regained (visual) access to AdminCentral, you can use the UI to perform the removal of obsolete configuration entries. To find out what’s changed, it’s helpful to look at the module’s version handler. The code can be found in Magnolia Git. Check the version that matches the one you're using for your project.

Providing a temporary login filter class

If you can manipulate the WAR bundle on the server side (either in source or as a hotfix under WEB-INF/classes), you can provide a temporary login filter class to replace the one provided by the Magnolia SSO module.

In a module that depends on the Magnolia SSO module (defined in your Magnolia module descriptor under META-INF/magnolia), create a class with the exact package and name:


Since the module depends on SSO, it will be loaded after the SSO module, and the login filter class will be replaced with your temporary version. Note that setting dependencies in the Maven POM does not guarantee the correct module order!

Create code that handles the login, e.g.

  package info.magnolia.sso;

  import info.magnolia.cms.filters.AbstractMgnlFilter;
  import info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlFilterChain;
  import info.magnolia.context.Context;
  import info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext;
  import info.magnolia.context.UserContext;
  import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
  import org.slf4j.Logger;
  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

  import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
  import javax.servlet.ServletException;
  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  import java.util.Optional;

  import static;

  public class SsoLoginFilter extends AbstractMgnlFilter {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SsoLoginFilter.class);
    public static final String DEFAULT_USER_ID = "superuser";
    public static final String DEFAULT_USER_PWD = "superuser";+
    public static final String PARAMETER_USER_ID = "mgnlUserId";
    public static final String PARAMETER_PSWD = "mgnlUserPSWD";

    public void doFilter(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        if (Optional.ofNullable(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_LOGOUT)).isPresent()) {
  "Logout parameter has been provided.");
            Context ctx = MgnlContext.getInstance();
            if (ctx instanceof UserContext) {
                ((UserContext) ctx).logout();

            if (request.getSession(false) != null) {
            if (chain instanceof MgnlFilterChain) {
                ((MgnlFilterChain) chain).reset();
        } else {
            if (UserManager.ANONYMOUS_USER.equals(MgnlContext.getUser().getName())) {
                String userId = StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_USER_ID)) ? request.getParameter(PARAMETER_USER_ID) : DEFAULT_USER_ID;
      "Handle login for {}", userId);
                String pswd = StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PSWD)) ? request.getParameter(PARAMETER_PSWD) : DEFAULT_USER_PWD;

                CredentialsCallbackHandler callbackHandler = new PlainTextCallbackHandler(userId, pswd.toCharArray(), "");
                LoginResult result = SecuritySupport.Factory.getInstance().authenticate(callbackHandler, SecuritySupportBase.DEFAULT_JAAS_LOGIN_CHAIN);

      "Login result: " + result.getStatus());
                if (result.getStatus() == LoginResult.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) {
          "Sucessfully logged in the user.");
          "Subject: " + result.getSubject());
                    if (request.getSession(false) != null) {
                } else {
          "The login was not successful.");
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

This example works like this:

  1. You can specify the login parameters (mgnlUserId and mgnlUserPSWD), such as http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor?mgnlUserId=superuser&mgnlUserU.
  2. The default values will be used if you don't specify the parameters.

Of course, any working code logic can be used.

Please note the following

  1. The user must be in the Magnolia JCR.
  2. Name and password must match.
  3. The user must be enabled and have the rights required for the tasks you want to perform after logging in.

Deploy the class as hotfix

If you cannot create an entirely new WAR package, you can also provide the compiled class as a hotfix under WEB-INF/classes. Please ensure that the necessary package structure is maintained. This will only require a server restart and may avoid re-deployment, depending on your setup and infrastructure.

path to complied hotfix classes.

Warning: Please remove this temporary hack as soon as you are finished working on the Magnolia instance.