This article describes how to customize CKEditor for Magnolia DXP. The Magnolia documentation covers most of the essentials, but it can be a bit overwhelming at times. This guide aims to streamline the procedure. I’m assuming you already have the essential development tools like Node.js and NPM installed.
Before you dive into customization, you should familiarize yourself with the CKEditor documentation. Some plugins are included in the default setup, while others must be manually installed.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Clone the repository
The source code for CKEditor plugins can be found here:
GitLab Repository for ckeditor5-plugins
git clone
cd ckeditor5-plugins
2. Build the package
Check to see if the package builds correctly without any changes.
npm install
# Optional but recommended
npx update-browserslist-db@latest
npm run build
Check your environment setup and resolve any issues before proceeding if the build fails.
3. Install or locate the plugin
If necessary, you can install a plugin using the following command:
npm i <name-of-the-plugin>
To access the default plugins, navigate to:
The ckeditor5-word-count plugin, for example, can be found under the above directory.
For details about the plugin, check the ckeditor5-metadata.json file:
"plugins": [
"name": "Word count",
"className": "WordCount",
"description": "Provides the possibility to track the number of words and characters written in the rich-text editor.",
"docs": "features/word-count.html",
"path": "src/wordcount.js"
4. Modify the settings
Open the configuration file:
Add the plugin to the import section:
import { WordCount } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-word-count';
Then, include it in the BUILTIN_PLUGINS
// Other plugins...
5. Configure the toolbar and the plugin
Add it to the toolbar if the plugin requires a visual representation. Several plugins don’t require display. Modify the configuration of the plugins in the DEFAULT_CONFIG
const DEFAULT_CONFIG: CustomEditorConfig = {
toolbar: [
wordCount: {
onUpdate: stats => {
let wordCountContainer = document.querySelector('#word-count-container') as HTMLElement;
if (!wordCountContainer) {
wordCountContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'word-count-container'; = '5px'; = '14px'; = '#f5f5f5'; = '1px solid #ddd'; = 'right';
const editorContainer = document.querySelector('.ck-editor') as HTMLElement;
wordCountContainer.innerText = `Words: ${stats.words}, Characters: ${stats.characters}`;
displayWords: true,
displayCharacters: true
fontFamily: {
// Additional configurations...
The configuration above for the WordCount plugin activates the status bar with the counters displayed.
6. Build the package
Run the build command:
npm run build
Make sure the build is successful. If you encounter syntax errors, you should use tools like ChatGPT or an IDE to debug and fix them.
7. Integrate a customized CKEditor into Magnolia DXP
Copy the file that was created:
to your Magnolia DXP light module:
8. Build and execute your Magnolia DXP project
Build and run your Magnolia DXP project to put the changes into effect.
- Magnolia Documentation: CKEditor Customization
- Magnolia Blog: Customizing the RichText field using CKEditor
- CKEditor Plugin Architecture
- CKEditor Word Count Feature

This guide should help you customize CKEditor 5 for Magnolia DXP. Happy coding! 😊